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Англо-русский строительный словарь - flood


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Перевод с английского языка flood на русский

паводок; половодье; наводнение прилив; полная вода annual flood максимальный годовой паводок годовой максимум стока average annual flood broad-crested flood catastrophic flood design flood eventual flood flash flood N-year flood peak flood record flood spring flood
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См. в других словарях

  1) водополье 2) заводнить 3) заводнять 4) заливание 5) заливать 6) заливка 7) заливной 8) заливочный 9) залить 10) заполнить 11) заполнять 12) затапливать 13) затопить 14) затопление 15) затоплять 16) захлебывание 17) наводнение 18) наводочный 19) обводнять 20) паводковый 21) паводок 22) перезаливать 23) переполнить 24) переполнять 25) погружать 26) погрузить 27) подъем воды 28) половодье 29) разлив flood ballast tank — затапливать балластную цистерну flood charge in percolator — заливать перколятор раствором flood release wave — волна попуска range of flood and ebb — геогр. амплитуда прилива - flood a carburetor - flood a compartment - flood control - flood discharge - flood engine - flood flow - flood gate - flood hydrograph - flood mine - flood pool - flood protection - flood reservoir - flood valve ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) поток 2) наводнение 3) прилив 2. гл. 1) устремиться 2) хлынуть потоком 3) орошать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. наводнение; половодье; разлив; разлитие in flood —- разлившаяся, затопившая берега (о реке и т. п.) a flood bed (land) —- пойма, заливной луг flood flow —- расход паводка flood level —- уровень наводнения или паводка 2. (the F.) библ. всемирный потоп before the F. —- в допотопные времена 3. поток flood of rain —- потоки дождя flood of light —- море огней, поток света flood of tears —- море слез, потоки слез flood of words —- поток слов floods of ink —- море чернил golden flood —- сноп солнечных лучей flood of callers —- поток посетителей 4. прилив ebb and flood —- прилив и отлив 5. уст. (большая) река; море, океан flood and field —- море и суша 6. разг. широкая полоса света, заливающий свет 7. разг. прожектор (также flood projector) 8. мед. маточное кровотечение Id: at the flood —- в удобный (благоприятный) момент Id: to take at the flood —- использовать возможность, не упустить случая Id: to row against the flood —- идти (плыть) против течения Id: to stem the flood —- сдерживать, противодействовать, преградить путь 9. заливать, затоплять to flood a burning house with water —- тушить горящий дом струями воды to flood with light —- заливать светом 10. наводнять to flood with letters —- забрасывать письмами troops flooded the countryside —- войска наводнили всю округу he was flooded with invitations —- его засыпали приглашениями to flood the market...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) наводнение; половодье; паводок; разлитие, разлив - the Flood - Noahs Flood  2) прилив; подъем воды  3) поток, изобилие a flood of words - поток слов a flood of tears - потоки, море слез a flood of light - море огней a flood of anger - волна гнева  4) obs.; poet. море, озеро, река - at the flood  2. v.  1) затоплять, наводнять (тж. flood in/into/out) When I drew the curtains back, the sunlight flooded in. Letters of complaint are still flooding in.  2) подниматься (об уровне реки); выступать из берегов the river is flooded by the rains - река вздулась от дождей  3) устремиться, хлынуть потоком  4) med. страдать маточным кровотечением Syn: deluge, engulf, inundate, overwhelm, swamp ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) наводнение; паводок; половодье; разлив; затопление; заливание наводнять; затоплять; заливать 2) поток; сток 3) захлёбывание (ректификационной колонны) 4) перелив (топлива в карбюраторном двс) 5) рлк облучать широким электронным пучком; облучать антенной с широкой диаграммой направленности 6) создавать помехи в широком диапазоне частот 7) заливающий свет 8) прожектор заливающего света - flood of record - flood of solid matter - average annual flood - broad-crested flood - cloudburst flood - coastal flood - disastrous flood - flash flood - glacier outburst flood - inflow design flood - maximum probable flood - peak flood - projected flood - rainfall flood - reservoir design flood - sealed beams flood - snowmelt flood - spillway design flood - standard project flood - unit flood - water flood ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a an overflowing or influx of water beyond its normal confines, esp. over land; an inundation. b the water that overflows. 2 a an outpouring of water; a torrent (a flood of rain). b something resembling a torrent (a flood of tears; a flood of relief). 3 the inflow of the tide (also in comb. : flood-tide). 4 colloq. a floodlight. 5 (the Flood) the flood described in Genesis. 6 poet. a river; a stream; a sea. --v. 1 tr. a cover with or overflow in a flood (rain flooded the cellar). b overflow as if with a flood (the market was flooded with foreign goods). 2 tr. irrigate (flooded the paddy fields). 3 tr. deluge (a burning house, a mine, etc.) with water. 4 intr. (often foll. by in, through) arrive in great quantities (complaints flooded in; fear flooded through them). 5 intr. become inundated (the bathroom flooded). 6 tr. overfill (a carburettor) with petrol. 7 intr. experience a uterine haemorrhage. 8 tr. (of rain etc.) fill (a river) to overflowing. Phrases and idioms flood and field sea and land. flood out drive out (of one's home etc.) with a flood. flood-tide the periodical exceptional rise of the tide because of lunar or solar attraction. Etymology: OE flod f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English flod; akin to Old High German fluot ~, Old English flowan to flow  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a rising and overflowing of a body of water especially onto normally dry land; also a condition of overflowing rivers in ~  b. capitalized a ~ described in the Bible as covering the earth in the time of Noah  2. the flowing in of the tide  3. an overwhelming quantity or volume; also a state of abundant flow or volume — often used in the phrase in full ~ a debate in full ~  4. ~light  II. verb  Date: 1663  transitive verb  1. to cover with a ~ ; inundate  2.  a. to fill abundantly or excessively ~ the market  b. to supply an excess of fuel to (as an engine or its carburetor) so that engine operation is hampered  intransitive verb  1. to pour forth, go, or come in a ~  2. to become filled with a ~  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (floods, flooding, flooded) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If there is a flood, a large amount of water covers an area which is usually dry, for example when a river flows over its banks or a pipe bursts. More than 70 people were killed in the floods, caused when a dam burst... This is the type of flood dreaded by cavers... Over 25 people drowned when a schoolbus tried to cross a river and flood waters swept through. N-VAR 2. If something such as a river or a burst pipe floods an area that is usually dry or if the area floods, it becomes covered with water. The Chicago River flooded the city’s underground tunnel system... The kitchen flooded. VERB: V n, V • flooded People have been mobilised to build defences and drain flooded land as heavy rains continue to fall. ADJ 3. If a river floods, it overflows, especially after very heavy rain. ...the relentless rain that caused twenty rivers to flood... Many streams have flooded their banks, making some roads impassable. = overflow VERB: V, V n 4. If you say that a flood of people or things arrive somewhere, you are emphasizing that a very large number of them arrive there. The administration is trying to stem the flood of refugees out of Haiti and into Florida... He received a flood of letters from irate constituents. = tide, torrent N-COUNT: usu N of n c darkgreen]emphasis 5. If you say that people or things flood into a place, you are emphasizing that they arrive there in large numbers. Enquiries flooded in from all over the world. ...the refugees flooding out of Kosovo. = pour VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv c darkgreen]emphasis 6. If you flood a place with a particular type of thing, or if a particular type of thing floods a place, the place becomes full of so many of them that it cannot hold or deal with any more. ...a policy aimed at flooding Europe with exports... German cameras at knock-down prices flooded the British market. = saturate VERB: V n with n, V n • flooded...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »COVER WITH WATER« to make a place become covered, or to become covered with water  (Three days of heavy rain flooded many Eastern cities. | The basement flooded and everything got soaked.) 2 »GO/ARRIVE IN LARGE AMOUNTS/NUMBERS« to arrive or go somewhere in large numbers + in/into/out/across etc  (Letters came flooding in from irate viewers. | Refugees flooded across the border.) 3 be flooded with to receive so many things such as letters, complaints, or inquiries that you cannot deal with them  (We've been flooded with offers of help.) 4 »SEND LARGE AMOUNTS/NUMBERS« to send a large number of things such as letters or complaints to an organization so that it is difficult for people there to deal with them  (flood sth with)  (Campaigners flooded Congress with letters of protest.) 5 flood the market to sell something in very large numbers or amounts, so that the price goes down  (Japanese companies were accused of flooding the market with cheap steel.) 6 »RIVER« if a river floods, it is too full, and spreads water over the land around it 7 »ENGINE« if an engine floods or you flood it, it has too much petrol in it, so that it will not start 8 »LIGHT« if light floods a place or floods into it, it makes it very light and bright  (The sunset flooded the canyon with rose-colored light.) 9 »FEELING« if a feeling or memory floods over someone or floods back, they feel or remember it very strongly + over/back  (I felt happiness and relief flooding over me.) 10 flood with tears if someone's face floods with tears, they cry a lot flood sb out phr v be flooded out to be forced to leave your home because of floods ~2 n 1 a very large amount of water that covers an area that is usually dry  (Floods in Bangladesh caused over 1000 deaths.) 2 flood of a very large number of things or people that arrive at the same time  (A TV show featuring sexy home videos was halted after a flood of complaints.) 3 in floods of tears crying a lot 4 the Flood the great flood described in the Bible story, that covered the world ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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